10 things apa gitu..

I am scared of lots ordinary things.

Yes, I wont let you guys know what those things are. Just few closed friends know it. Hahaha. Curious eh?


I used to HATE Rindra.

Hahahaha! Beneran deh! Karena bokap gw was (actually also is) like so smitten with him that it made me jealous. I remember saying this to ayah, “Ayah tu selalu manggil rindra smart boy smart boy! Sama aku ngga pernah! Ayah pilih kasih!” OMG! I can’t believe I was jealous of newborn baby! That’s so lame! N my dad replied “yauda mulai sekarang kamu ayah panggil smart girl!”. Huuuh like that helps. But now I am totally in love with rindra hihihi


Ive always wanted a big brother

Well, banyak sama ya ama yg lain. I guess it is the syndrome of being the oldest daughter in the family kali ya.


Can’t resist the urge of splurging

Jarang sih but once this thingy hit me, I don’t think of anything. I just hit the shelves and end up resenting the purchase. Silly me haha.


Waxing is therapeutic

Haha. Setiap gw agak2 stress, I’ll just go to the nearest salon dan di wax! Haha. Lo semua harus nyoba sensasi pas ditarik wax nya. Itu tuh lega banget kayak ”aaaaaaaaaah..” and ur problems seem like go away for… 2minutes haha. Ini recommended bgt!!!!! Drpd lo mabok2an, just try waxing!


I was very much in love with BRIAN MCFADDEN!

Hahaha. Gw bahkan dulu membuat collage our of his pictures in magazine! So silly! Tapi dulu gw suka banget brian dengan rambut2 jabrik2 pirangnya. Hahahaha.


IKEA dolls and Gantungan kunci boneka.

Mengoleksi boneka ikea adalah hobiku. Mulai dry g ulet bulu sampe kucing, I have it all! Haha. Theyre bright and comfy to hug. And u shud see my car! Disana tergantung berbagai jenis boneka gantungan. U name it, i have it! Madagascar? Ada! Sesame street? Ada! Kungfu panda? Ada! Hahaha.


No coffee!

Yes, my father does not allow me to drink coffe, but I love it anyway so.. Ssshhh no tell! K?


I loathe doctors and medicine

Ahauhauhauhaa bukannya gimana2 ya. Tapi I have traumatic memory with doctor! When my mom was diagnosed with tumor in her womb, I was there hearing all the conversation. N it scared the hell outta me, really.



Yes yes very addicted to jacket! Lemme count it! Yes people, I have more than 15jackets in my closet right now. Not to mention yg ada di jkt. Haha. Sorry mommy I know u hate this obsession.




hahaha udah tuuuuuuuh! terus diapain nih? ngga ngerti deh gw.. mohon penjelasannya ibu ibu.


4 responses to “10 things apa gitu..

  1. jadi ndo, lo harus milih 10 orang lagi utk bikin posting kayak ginian,,

    entah knp ndo, gw nunggu2 blog lo yang ini. hari ini gw udah cek 5 kali sejak lo komen di blog gw!!

    ordinary things, gw taw salah satunya.aahaha kocak

    terapi lo serem jg yah! di wax. big no no deh

  2. dan yang terakhir.. suka berkhayal!! sesuai kata horoskopnya.. y g nda???? hahaha

  3. i think i know salah satu yg dbenci deh, tp u wont tell me why!! cheater.

    oooh!! i luv coffee too, hoho minum kopi itu menenangkan jiwa hehehe

  4. no coffee???? ah, starbucks must be sad ROFL

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